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In this digital ITEMS module, Dr. Jeffrey Harring and Ms. Tessa Johnson introduce the linear mixed effects (LME) model as a flexible general framework for simultaneously modeling continuous repeated measures data with a scientifically defensible function that adequately summarizes both individual change as well as the average response. The module begins with a nontechnical overview of longitudinal data analyses drawing distinctions with cross-sectional analyses in terms of research questions to be addressed. Nuances of longitudinal designs, timing of measurements, and the real possibility of missing data are then discussed. The three interconnected components of the LME model—(1) a model for individual and mean response profiles, (2) a model to characterize the covariation among the time-specific residuals, and (3) a set of models that summarize the extent that individual coefficients vary—are discussed in the context of the set of activities comprising an analysis. Finally, they demonstrate how to estimate the linear mixed effects model within an open-source environment (R). The digital module contains sample R code, diagnostic quiz questions, hands-on activities in R, curated resources, and a glossary.  相似文献   
波眠是生长在甘肃陇南地区的一位诗人。一方水土养一方人 ,波眠的乡土以自己独特的体验与感悟表现了与这块土地上父老乡亲同体共命的感情。“倾诉与呼唤”是波眠乡土诗的主旋律。在艺术上 ,波眠的诗表现为特色鲜明的乡村事象与独特生命体验的同构谐生 ;同时 ,波眠的诗是凝重的 ,但一些诗在凝重中却又给人以孩子般的天真与清纯  相似文献   
在璀璨耀目的唐诗中 ,寄夫诗是很有特色的。透过这些诗篇 ,让我们了解到 ,在以男性为中心的社会里唐代妇女的生活状况。  相似文献   
关于离婚法定条件的探讨贯穿于我国婚姻法发展的整个过程。从1950年新中国第一部婚姻法到1980年婚姻法的重新制定,乃至2001年婚姻法的修订,都是一个探索的过程,但探索的结论并没有很大的突破,仍是将离婚法定条件定为感情或婚姻破裂的单一标准。出于完善我国婚姻立法中的法理基础的需要,笔者以为应在我国婚姻立法中确立混合标准的离婚法定条件。  相似文献   
毛泽东诗词以革命现实主义与革命浪漫主义相结合的手法,塑造出一个个性鲜明的东方巨人的抒情主人公形象,展现出共产主义的理想和不断发展的革命现实的统一,真实地反映了时代精神,鼓舞和激励着全国人民为社会主义、共产主义事业而献身。  相似文献   
根据党的十五大以来有关社会主义初级阶段基本经济制度的重要阐述,我国应从所有制结构、分配制度和经济运行机制等三个方面做进一步的调整、变革和创新。  相似文献   
分析陆游“梦诗”中所表现出来的深沉的爱国意蕴,解读他在苟安于一隅的南宋朝廷统治下虽无法实现光复国土的伟大抱负却始终抱有心系祖国安危、民族复兴的高尚情怀。“梦诗”的笔调是浪漫的,也是悲愤的;“梦诗”的内容有虚构的,更多的却是纪实。在“梦”这一荒诞的形式中流露出来的是陆游终身无法释怀的爱国情结。  相似文献   
为了培养具有创新思维和能力的复合型外语类高素质应用型人才,基于OBE理念采用混合式教学模式,提出课堂、作业、考核等方面的改革措施,对英语专业二外日语教学进行改革,取得了较好的教学效果,实现了教学效果和学生学习积极性的同步提高。  相似文献   
赵荣蔚 《图书馆论坛》2006,26(6):358-361
文章择取唐代著名诗僧寒山、皎然、灵一、灵澈、无可、贯休度齐己等七家诗文别集,从著者生平、文学成就、结集过程、体例编次、内容要旨度版本流传等几个方面进行了评述。  相似文献   

In this article, I question practice as a research paradigm by exploring its position in relation to non-positivist qualitative methodologies. Frayling’s [1994. Research in art and design. Royal College of Art Research Papers, 1(1), 1993/4] distinctions between research into, through, and as (for) practice are expanded to explore overlaps between these approaches. I argue for the need to understand the nuances of different epistemologies and ontologies that underpin diverse disciplinary approaches to practice-research. This is done through an analysis of a selection of Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)-funded projects to find out how they are using and/or embedding practice in the research process. The resulting Colour Wheel of Practice-Research illustrates a spectrum of positions of practice in relation to research, suggesting existing research paradigms are bursting at the seams and that the “disciplinary matrix” of practice might offers other ways of knowing. The reason I have chosen to focus primarily on AHRC-funded projects is because it explicitly states its support of “practice-led research” and that it “remains dedicated to this area of research”. This article aims to add to knowledge of how and why practice-research is of continuing interest to research councils, universities, and those identifying as practice-based/led researchers.  相似文献   
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